While scholars4dev.com strives to list all relevant scholarships for international developing country students, there are still more scholarships out there that are waiting to be discovered. In order to help you find more scholarships, we listed other relevant scholarship sources on the web today.
Scholarship Portal EU
This massive portal of scholarships lists 1,559 active scholarships in Europe for international students. Â Using their database, you can search scholarships according to level of study, discipline, and country of origin.
Education USA Financial Updates
The EducationUSA network is supported by the U.S. Department of Stateâs Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA). Â Though their financial updates page, they help international students find updated scholarships provided by US Universities and colleges.
DAAD Scholarship Database
In this database you can find information on various kinds of DAAD funding for foreign students, graduates and postdocs as well as on funding offered by other selected organisations for study in Germany.
JASON: Postgraduate Scholarship Database in Australia
The Joint Academic Scholarship Online Network (JASON) is a postgraduate scholarship search engine developed jointly by a number of universities. Scholarships in the database apply to Australian students wishing to study at home or abroad, and to international students wishing to study in Australia. Â The subscription service offers students the opportunity to create a personal profile of their funding requirements. This service will automatically alert students, via e-mail, to any new scholarships.
Scholarships Bourses Canada
This is Canada Governmentâs official scholarship website where you can find scholarships, bursaries and grants for international students by country of origin.