Griffith University is inviting applications for Uni-Start Scholarship available for students to pursue any undergraduate degree programme in 2015. There are multiple scholarships of each type available. Scholarships are awarded for a period of 4 years except Dell Computer Equity Scholarship, Indigenous Access Scholarship and Neville Bonner Scholarship available for up to 1 semester and Griffith Futures Scholarship, Widening Participation Accommodation Scholarship and Widening Participation Education Costs Scholarship available for a period of one year. The application deadline is 28 November 2014.
Study Subject(s): Scholarships are awarded for studying any courses offered by the university.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing any undergraduate degree programme at Griffith University.
Scholarship Provider: Griffith University, Commonwealth Government and Dell
Scholarship can be taken at: Australia
Eligibility:Â Uni-Start is intended for people who:
-are seeking admission to their first undergraduate degree in 2015
-currently enrolled full time in an undergraduate degree,
-have experienced financial hardship, and/or
-education disadvantage that has impacted on their ability to achieve their full potential.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Australian students can apply for this Uni-Start scholarship.
Scholarship Description:
Get a head start! At griffith we acknowledge and support your potential to undertake higher education. If you are from a low socio-economic background and/or believe educational disadvantage has limited your opportunities to access and participate in an undergraduate degree, then Uni-Start, Griffithâs Equity Scholarship Scheme is an opportunity for you to achieve your goals. One application form covers the following scholarships. Griffith University will assess you for the scholarship that best fits your circumstances.
Number of award(s):Â There are multiple scholarships of each type available.
Duration of award(s): Scholarships are awarded for a period of 4 years except Dell Computer Equity Scholarship, Indigenous Access Scholarship and Neville Bonner Scholarship available for up to 1 semester and Griffith Futures Scholarship, Widening Participation Accommodation Scholarship and Widening Participation Education Costs Scholarship available for a period of one year.
What does it cover? There are multiple scholarships of each type available:
-Chancellorâs Accommodation Scholarship: $19,940.00
-Chancellorâs Accommodation Scholarship: $19,940.00
-Chancellorâs Education Costs Scholarship: $9,968.00
-Dell Computer Equity Scholarship: $3,500.00
-Griffith Futures Scholarship: $5,000.00
-Indigenous Access Scholarship: $4,702.00
-Indigenous Commonwealth Accommodation Scholarship: $19,940.00
-Indigenous Commonwealth Education Costs Scholarship: $9,968.00
-Koombumerri People Accommodation Scholarship: $19,940.00
-Koombumerri People Education Costs Scholarship: $9,968.00
-Neville Bonner Scholarship: $2,500.00
-Uni-Start Transition Grant: in kind
-Widening Participation Accommodation Scholarship: $4,400.00
-Widening Participation Education Costs Scholarship: $2,200.00
Selection Criteria: The basic eligibility and selection criteria for Scholarships are listed below.
-Applicant must meet low income criteria.
-Undertaking an undergraduate program of study at Griffith as a Commonwealth Supported Student and not have completed an undergraduate or higher degree previously, unless it was required as a prerequisite to current study.
-Study full-time (exceptions apply).
-All claims within this application form must be substantiated; further requests for documentation may be made.
Notification: Not Known
How to Apply: The mode of application is online.
Scholarship Application Deadline: Applications including any documentation required must be completed by 5pm Friday 28 November 2014.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application