Applications are invited for research scholarships available for newly commencing doctoral studentsàto study at University of Technology Sydney. There are two types of scholarships available for research applicants i.e., the ChancellorâÂÂs Research Scholarships and UTS: Research Excellence Scholarships. The ChancellorâÂÂs research scholarships are valued up to$35,000àper annum, which comprises an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) plus a UTS Top up. The UTS: Research Excellence scholarships are valued up toà$30,000àper annum, which comprises an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) and a UTS Top up. The application deadline is 31st October 2014.
Study Subject(s):ÃÂ Scholarships are awardedÃÂ for studying any courseÃÂ offered by the university.
Course Level:ÃÂ Scholarships are available to doctoral students for undertaking research programme.
Scholarship Provider:ÃÂ University of Technology Sydney
Scholarship can be taken at: Australia
Eligibility: To be eligible a student must:
(a) have completed a Bachelor Degree with First Class Honours, or be regarded by the
University as having an equivalent level of attainment in accordance with paragraph 1.2; and
(b) be undertaking a higher degree by research (HDR) at the University in the year of the APA (APAs are not available to applicants whose enrolment into a postgraduate research program has not been accepted by the University); and
(c) be enrolled as a full-time student, unless the University has approved a part-time APA for a domestic student under paragraph 4.2 of these Conditions; and
(d) be a domestic
(e) not have completed a degree at the same or higher level as the proposed candidature; and
(f) not previously have held an Australian Government-funded postgraduate researchÃÂ scholarship, unless it was terminated within six months of the APA paymentsÃÂ commencing; and
(g) not be receiving an equivalent award, scholarship (excluding an IPRS) or salary providing a benefit greater than 75% of the APA stipend rate to undertake the HDR. Income earned from sources unrelated to the course of study is not subject to the 75% rule. This paragraph (g) does not apply to recipients of a JRE âÂ" Engineering Cadetship.
-Where applicants do not hold a Bachelor Degree with First Class Honours, the University may determine that the applicant has demonstrated an equivalent level of academic attainment. In determining an equivalent level of academic attainment, the University may consider previous study, relevant work experience, research publications, refereesâ reports and other research experience.
Scholarship Open for International Students:ÃÂ Australian studentsÃÂ can apply for these research scholarships.
Scholarship Description: Following scholarships are available forÃÂ domestic research students:
-The ChancellorâÂÂs Research Scholarships are offered from 2012 to highly ranked newly commencing doctoral students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and research potential. The scholarships are valued up to$35,000àper annum, which comprises an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) plus a UTS Top up. The eligibility criteria for these scholarships are the same as for the APA, however ChancellorâÂÂs Research Awards are only available to newly commencing doctoral students each year. -The UTS: Research Excellence Scholarships are offered from 2012 to highly ranked newly commencing doctoral students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and research potential. The scholarships are valued up toà$30,000àper annum.
Number of award(s):ÃÂ Not Known
Duration of award(s):àThe duration of a full-time APA is three years for a doctoral candidate and two years for a masterâÂÂs research candidate.
What does it cover?àThe ChancellorâÂÂs research scholarships are valued up to$35,000àper annum which comprises an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) plus a UTS Top up. The UTS: Research Excellence scholarships are valued up toà$30,000àper annum, which comprises an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) and a UTS Top up.
Selection Criteria: The APA is awarded in accordance with the eligibility requirements outlined in the Guidelines and on a competitive basis using the respective Faculty/InstituteâÂÂs scoring system based on:
(a) academic merit of the applicant; and
(b) research and other relevant experience of the applicant; and
(c) publications record of the applicant; and
(d) relevance of the proposed research to the UniversityâÂÂs research strengths.
Notification:ÃÂ Not Known
How to Apply:àNewly commencing research students should complete an Application for Admission to a Higher Degree by Research and Scholarship by the advertised deadline. For step by step instructions on how to apply for admission to a higher degree by research, including a link to the application form, please visit theàâÂÂhow to applyâÂÂàwebsite. Please be aware that applications for scholarships are only open once a year. Commencing students can apply for special consideration for a postgraduate research scholarship on the basis of special needs.
Scholarship Application Deadline:ÃÂ The application deadline is 31st October 2014.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application