Applications are invited for 2015 CLS program available for American undergraduate and graduate students. It is a fully-funded overseas language program that provides instruction in thirteen critical languages at all levels (Beginning, Advanced Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced). Chinese, Japanese and Russian require a minimum of two years of college-level study or the equivalent while Arabic and Persian require a minimum of one year of college-level study or the equivalent. The CLS Program is equivalent to approximately one academic year of language study. The application deadline is 12 November 2014.
Study Subject(s): The CLS Program provides instruction in thirteen critical languages. All levels (Beginning, Advanced Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced) are offered for each language (Azerbaijani, Bangla, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean, Punjabi, Turkish, Urdu, Arabic, Persian, Chinese, Japanese and Russian).
Course Level: Scholarships is available for undergraduate and graduate students for language program.
Scholarship Provider: U.S. Department of State
Scholarship can be taken at: USA
Eligibility: In order to apply for the CLS Program you must, at the time of submitting your application:
-Be a U.S. citizen.
-Non-citizens including Permanent Residents are not eligible, even if they anticipate naturalization by the beginning of the program.
-Be enrolled in an accredited U.S. degree-granting program at the undergraduate (associateâs, bachelorâs) or graduate (masterâs, doctoral, professional degree) level.
-Your program must result in a degree. Applicants who are taking stand-alone or continuing education classes are not eligible.
-Your institution must be physically located in the United States or its territories. Students earning degrees at foreign colleges or universities are not eligible. Students earning degrees at U.S.-based institutions located abroad are not eligible.
-You must be enrolled at your home college or university in the Fall Semester of 2014. Please read the following information carefully:
-If you are not taking classes at your home institution in the fall semester, please confirm that you are, in fact, enrolled. Institutions have different requirements to maintain enrollment status and you will be required to provide a signed letter from your registrar stating that you were enrolled during the fall semester.
-If you are taking a leave of absence to participate in an organized semester- or year-long study abroad program, or to participate in a substantive internship program, you may still be considered eligible. You will be required to submit documentation of your study abroad or internship program. Decisions will be made on a case by case basis.
Please note that not all levels are offered for each language (Chinese, Japanese and Russian require a minimum of two years of college-level study or the equivalent; Arabic and Persian require a minimum of one year of college-level study or the equivalent). The chart below provides information about the levels offered for each CLS language. In order to determine which language level to choose, please review the information provided. Compare your level of experience to the scale provided below. CLS Language Levels and Terminology: Beginning Level: No previous study of the language, or less than one academic year of study or the equivalent; Advanced Beginning Level: At least one academic year of target language study or the equivalent; Intermediate Level: At least two academic years of target language study or the equivalent; Advanced Level: At least three academic years of target language study or the equivalent.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Students of USA can apply for this CLS program.
Scholarship Description: The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is a fully-funded overseas language and cultural immersion program for American undergraduate and graduate students. With the goal of broadening the base of Americans studying and mastering critical languages and building relationships between the people of the United States and other countries, CLS provides study opportunities to a diverse range of students from across the United States at every level of language learning.
Number of award(s): Not Known
Duration of award(s): The CLS Program is equivalent to approximately one academic year of language study.
What does it cover? The CLS Program is fully funded from start to finish. From the time you step foot out the door to the time you arrive home, all program related expenses are covered, including:
-Domestic and international travel between the participantâs U.S. home city, Washington, D.C., and the CLS Program site;
-Related costs for a mandatory Pre-Departure Orientation in Washington, D.C.;
-Applicable visa fees, language instruction, room, board, program sponsored travel within the host country; and
-All entrance fees for CLS Program cultural enhancement activities;
-The CLS Program provides academic credit. The CLS program offers a year's worth of graded credit that you can apply to your college career.
Selection Criteria: CLS applications are reviewed by language faculty, area specialists, study abroad professionals and fellowship advisors as part of the selection process. During the first round of review, all applications are read by two outside reviewers. During the second round, top applications are submitted to selection panels. Award recipients will be selected on the basis of merit with consideration for:-Academic record and potential to succeed in a rigorous academic setting;
-Ability to adapt to a different cultural environment;
-Plan for continuation of study of the language; and
-Plan to use the language in future career.
Notification: Applicants who move past the initial review process will be notified of their status as a scholarship recipient, alternate or non-recipient in mid-February.
How to Apply:-Complete and submit the application form online.
-Have two (2) references submit recommendations online supporting your application.
-Submit a transcript of grades from your current school and any previous universities attended within the last five years.
-Transcripts should be in text or PDF format and not digitally signed (official e-transcripts are discouraged due to technical issues).
Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is 12 November 2014.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application